Services & Techniques

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care and the function for your nervous system is the basis for the care that we provide. We understand that many come in for the pain that they are experiencing, however our main focus is to elevate your health. The true purpose of Chiropractic Care is to be preventative in nature. Our patients understand the importance of lifetime care and practice a healthy chiropractic lifestyle for themselves and their families.
“If you would seek health, look first to the spine” – Socrates

Pediatric Chiropractic:

Many problems that adults suffer with can be traced back to childhood traumas. The first trauma that we all experience is birth. That is why we adjust children of all ages, beginning with newborn. As children grow and develop, chiropractic care is beneficial throughout all stages of adolescence, whether they are experiencing sports related impacts, poor posture from technology, or emotional/hormonal changes.
“It’s easier to build strong children than it is to repair broken men” – Frederick Douglas

Prenatal Chiropractic:

A woman’s body goes through dramatic changes as she is developing the life of a child. Many women experience low back pain as muscles and ligaments begin to stretch during pregnancy. Chiropractic care during pregnancy can help balance the pelvis and help ease the delivery process. A mom’s healthy nervous system in pregnancy will have a lifelong impact on the future health of her baby.
“The responsibility for the health of our children rest upon our shoulders” – Unknown

Spinal and Posture Screenings:

As a service to our community, we provide spine and posture screenings in office and at outside events. Screenings are free of charge and can be done at health fairs, community events, job fairs, schools, churches, and sporting events.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin

Brain Blossom:

The Brain Blossom Program™ is an online, at home, brain and body exercise and educational program. The program is designed to reduce stress and deflective tendencies in order to help individuals engage in, communicate with, learn from and enjoy their world. We are the only Brain Blossom provider in Tennessee.

Adjunctive Therapies:

Additional services to aid in your health journey include but are not limited to: Spinal Decompression, Ultrasound, Electrical Stem, Supplement Testing, Hypersensitivity Testing, Myofascial Release, Emotional Release, Halotherapy.
Ratcliff Chiropractic
826 Middle Creek Rd
Sevierville, Tennessee 37862
Office Hours:
8am -12pm. | 2pm - 6pm
AM Closed | 2pm - 6pm
8am -12pm. | 2pm - 6pm
8am -12pm. | 2pm - 6pm